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Bowser Multimedia Productions

HD Video


Video Production - Why Us?

You’re looking for a videographer. While your Smartphone, camcorder, laptop and YouTube account might make it fun to make videos, you realize there’s a difference between professional video production and do it yourself video. So why should you choose us? To learn about what we do, visit our video service page. Below, you'll learn what sets us apart.


Cinematic Videography

First and foremost is our style. We don’t just make video, we create cinema video. We actually started using film before there ever was digital film and that passion remains. Film however remains expensive, limiting its enjoyment. HD video allows us to make cinema video for a much bigger audience, and of course is simply the best to use in today’s streaming video world. But the style and art of the cinema is largely lost with the ease making video is to nearly everyone. What would you rather have? Do you prefer a cinematic movie that looks like you hired a Hollywood producer, or a video that looks like it was homemade on a budget?


Passion = Quality

Ever hire someone not very passionate about their work? Quality usually suffers, along with customer service. We create cinematic movies because we’re passionate about life. Every event is life happening and we love making life look beautiful. If you don’t absolutely love our cinematic work, we haven’t done our job well enough. A great example of this is the fact that we don’t offer “basic” one videographer packages. You simply can’t create a great cinematic movie with one camera. The best you can hope for is a decent video, and spending hundreds or thousands of dollars for a “basic” video is a waste of your money.


Affordable Pricing

If you want your video streaming commercials or recorded live events to look like cinematic movies but you think you can’t afford it, think again, contact us today!


“If it's worth watching again, make sure you can bare watching it again.”

“Our success still depends on what started it all, producing great stuff at great prices.”