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Bowser Multimedia Productions

family owned and operated

Started in 1995 by Earl Bowser while in college, Bowser Multimedia Productions has been involved with a wide collection of multimedia, including film, video, television, photography, graphic design, DVD and web development. Still run by Earl, but now with the help of his wife and kids, our success still depends on what started it all, producing great stuff at great prices.

As our name implies, we can fulfill a number of your needs.

While specialization is always a good thing, we save you time and money by providing several multimedia services. As you'll read below, not only do we provide for your business multimedia needs, we also fill your pleasure and leisure needs. From wall art in your home or office, to filming your wedding or birthday party, even help setting up a personal blog or recommending software, we're confident you'll find much here for yourself, and for your business.

Video Production

Videos, especially found on the Internet, are usually one of two things. They either are made from the family camcorder, and it's obvious, or the videos you see look like a million bucks, and probably cost just as much. We fill the middle with excellent video that's actually affordable. Whether it's a wedding, birthday party, or anything else worth remembering, it's always so much more enjoyable to watch a really great video then some shaky, blurry video taken from your smartphone or camcorder. When you're making video for your business, the stakes are even higher; you simply can't afford to look like an amateur.


On your walls or on your web pages, we know you like great photography. We know your friends and customers like beautiful photos too. Beautiful photography is like clean air, you don't have to be an art critic to enjoy it, or appreciate it. But finding what you like and still be able to afford it is often a problem.

Web Solutions

Every business these days should have a website. Gone are the days where people use the yellow pages or newspaper ads to find you. But you don't need anything complex and you don't even need a website that's professionally designed. How many web developers have you heard say that?! ;) It's true, but unless you've spent as many years learning web design as you have learning your own craft, you'll probably gain valuable time and increased income by hiring a professional for your Internet needs.

Having a website doesn't guarantee success, but any business without a website is almost guaranteed to be less successful than their competitors. We help you provide your customers with a valuable resource, whether or not you already have a website. Not only do we design, code and maintain websites, we also provide business consultation, offer advice to improve your online presence, and provide video and photos for your website. Most important of all, we do extensive, on-going, search engine optimization, so you're never a lost strip of paper in a ticker-tape parade.

“Business or pleasure, we can meet your multimedia needs”

“Our success still depends on what started it all, producing great stuff at great prices.”